Other articles

  1. A boring and uneventful covid memoir

    Visualization of SARS-Cov-2 virus.

    Visualization of SARS-Cov-2 virus.

    The whole story

    After some minor cold symptoms and feeling run down, my wife Erika tested positive for covid on Tuesday, May 10, 2022. I am writing this three weeks later, on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. The main goal of writing all this down is to …

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  2. What should people eat for health and weight loss?

    The most important diet advice is extremely simple:

    • no sugar
    • no grains
    • no seed oils

    It matters more what you get rid of than what you add. "Superfoods" are more about marketing than health. As long as you stop eating the foods and "food-like-substances" that destroy health, you're moving in …

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  3. What I'm up to now

    Published: Fri 10 April 2020
    By jack

    In misc.

    • Living in Columbus, OH (as of August 2018)
    • Pursuing a paleo/low-carbohydrate eating plan (as of February 2019) to regulate my body fat down to a sustainable and healthier level (post, update).
    • Working at Cardinal Health (as of March 2020)
      • Python, Flask, JavaScript, React, Redux

    What is a "now page …

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  4. One year keto-versary

    As of February 15, 2020, I've been following a ketogenic diet for a full year. The results to date have been good.

    [caption id="attachment_544" align="alignnone" width="3840"]image0 Body weight versus time.[/caption]

    The data reveals that I've reduced body weight by approximately 40 pounds, year-over-year. Both the mirror …

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  5. We knew how to reverse type II diabetes in the 50s

    Before the low-fat-diet insanity of the 1970s onward, sanity about diet and obesity was fairly common among the medical associations of the world.

    Shown below is the abstract of an article published by George Thorpe, MD in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) in 1957 [1]. This article predates …

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  6. Taking the red (meat) pill

    As so many others have said about low-carb eating, I can't unsee what I have seen or un-experience what I have experienced.

    I can't pretend that I didn't drop 40 pounds with minimal effort, discomfort, or hunger.

    And I certainly can't pretend that I didn't do this while eating foods …

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  7. Updates after 8 months of LCHF


    As shown in the plot above, I've been doing this practice and lifestyle for about eight months. During the past few days, I've attempted to update and enhance my representation and visualization of body weight data.

    In the plot, the red vertical bars represent individual daily measurements. The solid black …

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  8. Lipid measurements after eight months on LCHF

    Lipid measurements after 8 months (242 days) on low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) eating.

    • Total Cholesterol: 242 (mg/dL)
    • Direct LDL: 191 (mg/dL)
    • TC:HDL Ratio: 4.75
    • HDL: 51 (mg/dL)
    • Triglycerides: 93 (mg/dL)
    • TG:HDL Ratio: 1.82

    These numbers have come in largely where I expected them …

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  9. Subtraction > addition

    Several months before my recent weight loss (starting in February of 2019) I began the habit of eating a healthy low-carbohydrate breakfast: an omelet with egg whites, ground sausage, and spinach.

    However, this new habit did not cause weight loss. Why? The answer is simple: I didn't change my foods …

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  10. Weight loss through simple data science

    I presented a technical talk at the PyOhio conference this year, describing applications of elementary data science techniques to weight loss. (As I described here, I generally prefer the term "body fat reduction", because it's more specific, but most people are more familiar with the term "weight loss". So it …

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  11. Recent updates on diet and body composition

    [caption id="attachment_355" align="aligncenter" width="700"]image0 Body weight measurements from Feb 2019 to April 2019. 5 day moving average with +/- 1 sigma channels to estimate measurement error.[/caption]

    I had a "goal weight" of 190 lbs, and I crossed that milestone recently, as the plot above shows.

    My revised …

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  12. DogFoodCon 2019 CFP is open!

    DogFoodCon (DFC) is a popular conference that draws speakers and attendees from the Great Lakes region and across the nation. DFC has experienced sustained growth and popularity since the inaugural conference back in 2008.

    Taking place in Columbus, Ohio on the weekend of October 3-4, 2019, DFC is a two-day …

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  13. Some thoughts on body weight and body composition

    For the first time in quite a while - since April, 2018 - my body weight has dropped below 200 lbs. I'm pleased with this milestone and wanted to make a note about what techniques appear to be working:

    • Intermittent fasting. A minimum of 16:8 but usually closer to 18:6 …
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  14. A healthy morning routine

    In the morning, right after waking up drink this:

    • 24oz water
    • 2g sodium ascorbate (non-acidic Vitamin C)
    • 2g ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)

    Drink it before coffee or anything else.

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  15. What is the optimal diet for humans?

    I've accumulated a lot of body fat over the past 15-20 months. I am aiming to get back to a healthier body shape (lower body fat percentage, more muscle).

    I'm thinking about what the optimal diet, or range of diets, would be:

    • Emphasis on foods in their natural state.
    • Emphasis …
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